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In this post, we will explore the Workflow widget, which allows you with the simple configuration defined in XML, to create your own processes with lists and forms to edit attributive data and capture new geometries.
You have two possibilities to add Workflows to your Dashboards. One is with ActionSets and the other one described here with the built-in Workflow widget.

Creating a Workflow widget

To begin, navigate to the widget menu and select Workflow from the list of Display Widgets.

Configuring your chart

Once you're in the day of the week configuration menu, set up your chart preferences.

  • Customize the chart name by clicking on My New Chart at the top of the modal.
  • Choose your dataset and the specific Workflow you want to execute.
  • You can also decide on the Startup Form:, which should be the first form or list to show
  • You have also to define the Linked Map View in order to use the workflow properly in your dashboard.
  • With the slider Start on Load you can define if the workflow should come up at the start of the dashboard application
  • There is a button called Launch Editor, which allows to open up the Workflow Editor within the dashboard in order to change something in your workflow on short notice without leaving dashboard and open up the editor in M.App Enterprise Studio.
