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Number & HTML display

This content post will revolve around both number and HTML display charts, as they are very similar to each other.
The Number Display chart is read-only and serves as a valuable resource for presenting data in a clear and concise manner. It allows you to showcase data reports, averages, or sums.
The HTML Display chart is a tool you can use to incorporate any text or HTML element, like a title for your dashboard or explanatory text.

Let's break it down into easy-to-follow steps:

Creating the display widgets

To begin, navigate to the widget menu and select either Number or HTML from the list of Display Widgets.

Configuring your charts

Once you're in the number configuration menu, set up your chart preferences.

  • Customize the chart name by clicking on My New Chart at the top of the modal.
  • Choose your dataset and the specific field you want to display.

Number chart configuration

To use the WYSIWYG Editor and specify your content in HTML, click on the Editor tab in the left-menu.

  • A default code snipped is already displayed, which counts your specified data from the general tab.
Adapt the basic script
Replace the caption Count in line 5 and use it to describe your data:
< /span>< br/>WRITE THE NAME HERE
Change the statistics
You can also change the statistical method, by replacing the default %filteredCount with another statistical parameter. Have a look at the list below for all the options!
statistical parameter description
%totalCount Count of all records
%filteredCount Filtered count
%mean Mean
%sum Sum
%recordsWithValues Count of records with a value
%stddev Standard deviation
%min Minimum
%max Maximum
%variance Variance
%median Median
%range Range from min to max
  • The Examples dropdown offers a number of common code snippets which you can use by clicking on Insert. Adapt the script as you desire.
  • Activate the Use WYSIWYG Editor option to preview your content.

HTML chart configuration

  • Write some HTML content to the editor field.
  • Use some code snippets: Insert one of the options from the dropdown Examples' list and modify it to suit your needs.
  • You can also activate the Use WYSIWYG Editor to preview your HTML code.


Find different examples of the usage of both HTML and number displays.