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In this tutorial, we will explore the Heatmap chart, a powerful visual tool that allows you to understand and analyze data by representing the count/sum or average of features using two attributes.
The Heatmap chart provides a comprehensive view of data trends and relationships by using colors in a matrix of values. The chart combines two attributes from one dataset and is best used with generalized numerical data and categories.

Let's break it down into easy-to-follow steps:

Creating a Heatmap Widget

To begin, navigate to the New Widget menu. Select Heatmap from the list of Graph Widgets.  

Configuring your chart

Once you're in the heatmap configuration menu, set up your chart preferences:
  • Customize the chart name by clicking on My New Chart at the top of the modal
  • Choose your Dataset and the specific Field name you want to display
  • Select the Classification criteria that best suits your needs
  • Select the Y Axis Field that best suits your needs
Click Apply and your configured chart will be displayed in a new modal.


By following these steps, you can use the Heatmap chart to analyze data and gain valuable insights into the relationships and trends between two attributes.

Showing distribution of different tree heights for different owners