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The Gauge chart enables you to show specific calculated values of your datasets, such as an average or sum. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of utilizing the Gauge chart.

Creating a Gauge Chart

To begin, navigate to the widget menu and select Gauge from the list of Display Widgets.

Configuring your chart

Once you're in the gauge configuration menu, set up your chart preferences.

  • Customize the chart name by clicking on My New Chart at the top of the modal.
  • Choose your dataset and the specific field you want to display.
  • Define a multiplier if necessary. It will multiply all your values by the specified number.
  • Set the number of ticks on your gauge. The ticks indicate the number of ranges withing the distribution of values.
  • Establish the min and max values for your gauge’s scale. You can further limit the range of the displayed gauge with that setting.
  • Select the type of statistic to display on the gauge, such as Average, sum or percent of sum.


As you can see in the examples, an average value of different attributes is displayed. The gauge supports the visual presentation.