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Workflow settings


A WorkflowNode represents one "step" in the Workflow. The node can have none, one, or more Workflow-Nodes as subentries. Workflow-Nodes will be shown in the GUI as follows:


In general, there are two concepts of navigation between WorkflowNodes:

  • Navigation via WorkflowNodes:
    This is the default behavior. It reflects the navigation within the workflow tree.
  • Navigation via buttons in Forms and Lists:
    Please see the details here.

Navigation Path

The path to the actual navigation element is implemented as breadcrumb trail in the header-section of the current Workflow-Form; use this as navigation aid.


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
id yes Unique ID of the Workflow-Node. id="2120"
authorization no Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element.
  • authorization="ROLE[ADMIN,EDITOR]"
  • authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN,WF_EDIT]"
condition no Condition to be evaluated for the Workflow-Node, which defines if the node is accessible or not. The result of the condition has to deliver a boolean value (1/0 or true/false). The following condition types are supported:
  • OBJECT[...]
  • SESSION[KeyExists(...)]
  • SQL[...]
More information can be found here.
  • condition="OBJECT[classname.methodname ({SESSION.MAP.SELECTIONSET})]"
  • condition="SESSION[KeyExists(MAP.SELECTIONSET)]"
conditionhelp no Help text for a condition, which gives the user additional information why a certain node is grayed out (see explanation below). conditionhelp="Info..."
controller no The controller defines the layout and the functionality of the node. The user can define Default-Controller and Custom-Controller.
More information about this attribute can be found here.
emptyform no This attribute defines if a form should be opened with filled out FormFields or as a blank form. Therefore, the same form can be used in two different Workflow-Paths, for example, "Create new Incident", "Edit Incident".
  • emptyform="true"
  • emptyform="false"
follownode no Follownodes define NodeID's, which are called after the actions at the node-level are completed. follownode="2200"
form no Form name defined in the FormSettings-XML file, which is called from the Workflow-Node (has to be written in UPPERCASE letters and must not contain any special characters). form="OPERATION"
historynode no Used to show a different path in the Navigation Path. The standard behavior always shows the parent nodes of the current node in the Navigation Path. If this behavior should be changed, this attribute is used. historynode="11"
label no Label to show. If not specified the id is shown. label="Create new Operation"
view no Due to the separation of data model and presentation, this attribute can be used to include customized views for GUI-definitions. view="PagedForm"
visible no This attribute defines if the Workflow-Node should be visible in the Workflow (default) or not. Invisible Workflow-Nodes are, for example, used for processing Triggers.
The visibility can also be set according to the result of an SQL-statement.
  • visible="true"
  • visible="false"
  • visible="list"
  • visible="history"


<WorkflowNode id="1" label="Operations" controller="List" form="OPERATIONS">
  <WorkflowNode id="10" label="Create an operation" controller="Form" form="OPERATION" follownode="1">
    <WorkflowTrigger ...>
      <Param ... />
  <WorkflowNode ...>

All known subentries of a Workflow-Node:

A Workflow-Node can contain the following elements:

  • additional Workflow-Nodes
  • Workflow-Trigger

Controller-Attribute in WorkflowNode

The controller defines the layout and the functionality of the node. Workflows do support build in standard controllers but also custom controllers.

Standard Controllers

In your standard installation of workflows you do have three controllers available:

  • Form
    Controller used for display of one dataset (one row of a certain table, 1:n relations to the main table can be defined by the use of the type="table" or type="listbox" in the FormField-definition). Read more (see Form - Controller, Routing Behavior and Triggers).
  • List
    Controller used to display all datasets of a table. It possible to sort and filter the list.
  • Workflow
    Default-controller, which is invoked if no explicit controller is defined. Used for the display of further Workflow-Nodes.

Custom Controller

Custom controller can be done with an derived implementation of the WorkflowController class. They can be used embedded by defining the relative path to the code.


<WorkflowNode ... controller="CustomController" ... />

Details to the WorkflowController class can be found in the .NET API

Conditions in WorkflowNodes

At each Workflow-Node, an attribute condition can be assigned, which has to return 0/FALSE or 1/TRUE. If the condition returns FALSE or 0, the node will only be shown grayed out in the Workflow-Tree. Several conditions can be separated by a comma. For an overall validation, they are connected by a logical "AND".

Additionally, you have the ability to indicate a so-called conditionhelp, which is shown as a tooltip for the grayed out Workflow-Node. Therefore, it is possible to inform the user why the concerned Workflow-Node can/may not be selected.


<WorkflowNode id="0".....>
  <WorkflowNode id="1" label="Displayed Workflow" condition="SQL[SELECT count(*) FROM DUAL WHERE 1=1]" .... /> 
  <WorkflowNode id="2" label="Hidden Workflow" condition="SQL[SELECT count(*) FROM DUAL WHERE 1=0]" .... />
  <WorkflowNode id="2" label="Greyed-out Workflow" condition="SQL[SELECT count(*) FROM DUAL WHERE 1=0]" conditionhelp="Node is hidden because 1!=0".... />