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Workflow settings

WorkflowLinkGroup / WorkflowLink

A Workflow-Link is used for quick navigation inside the HTML-Workflow to have access to frequently used Workflow-Nodes. The Workflow-LinkGroup / Workflow-Link elements are positioned on the left of the main workflow window; they are implemented as a self-extending list element. They will be shown in the GUI as following:

Example for a WorkflowLinkGroup

The WorkflowLinks are grouped within the WorkflowLinkGroup tag, which provides a container for structuring similar elements.



Attribute Mandatory Description Example
name yes Name of this group <name="Organization">
authorization no Restrictis the access to this group <authorization="ROLE[ADMIN,EDITOR]" /> <authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN,WF_EDIT]" />
label no Label to show, supplemental information added with the actual session variable (is replaced with an empty string if the variable is undefined) <label="Organization: {SESSION.ORGNAME}">


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
nodeid yes Defines the id of the node to jump to. <nodeid="210" />
workflow no Name of the workflow to jump. If not specified the nodeid nodeid will be searched in the current workflow. The name of the referenced workflow is case sensitive <workflow="localization" />


<WorkflowLinkGroup name="OrganizationGroup" label="Organization: {SESSION.ORGNAME}">
  <WorkflowLink nodeid="110"/>
  <WorkflowLink nodeid="120"/>                 
 <WorkflowLinkGroup name="OperationGroup" label="Operations" authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN]">
  <WorkflowLink nodeid="210"/>
  <WorkflowLink nodeid="220"/>                 