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General settings

List of Values

List of Values (LoV) is used when multiple records should be passed to a Form element. For example, a LoV is used to fill the available option within a combobox (FormField) or the records to be shown in a FormTable.

By default, there are three possibilities to define a LoV:

  • Fixed list
  • SQL Statement
  • Customized .NET workflow extension object implementing the IValueProvider interface.


<!-- Fixed values where key and displayed value are identical -->
<FormField name="COUNTRY" label="Country:" type="combobox" datatype="string" lov="LIST[Austria;Germany;Switzerland]" />
<!-- Fixed values where key and displayed value are different -->
<FormField name="COUNTRY" label="Country:" type="combobox" datatype="string" lov="LIST[0=Austria;1=Germany;2=Switzerland]" />
<!-- Definition of a LoV using SQL statement -->
<FormField name="COUNTRY" label="Country:" type="combobox" datatype="string" lov="SQL[SELECT ID, NAME FROM COUNTRY_TABLE]" />
<!-- Definition of a LoV using and .NET object -->
<FormField name="COUNTRY" label="Country:" type="combobox" lov="OBJECT[classname.methodname({SESSION.SELECTION})]" />