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Form settings


The FormGroup element is used for the visual grouping of FormFields inside a form. The area on the left displays the name of the FormGroup and is used for the definition of FormFields; the area on the right can be used for further help text.

Example for a FormGroup


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
name no Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element. name="GENERAL"
authorization no Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element.
  • authorization="ROLE[ADMIN,EDITOR]"
  • authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN,WF_EDIT]"
editable no Boolean value which defines if the form is editable.
  • editable="false"
  • editable="SCRIPT[...]"
  • editable="SESSION[KeyExists({SESSION.SELECTION})]"
  • editable="SQL[SELECT ... FROM ...]"
  • editable="OBJECT[...]"
help no Help text for the FormGroup. help="Use this settings ..."
label no Label for the form displayed in Workflow-Form. label="General Data"
template no Defines the layout template for the FormGroup section. The default template (not to be defined) is the template with the FormField section on the left and a Help section to the right (see the screenshot above). template="MyTemplate"
visible no Defines the visibility of the FormGroup. The result has to deliver true or false. More details can be found here. Examples can be found here


<FormGroup name="SETTINGS" label="Settings" visible="false">