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Form settings


The FormFilter element is used to offer predefined filters as a combobox in the filter area of the ListController.


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
name yes Unique name of the FormFilter within the form (has to be written in UPPERCASE letters and must not contain any special characters). name="TODAYFILTER"
filter no Represents the WHERE-clause which filters the List-Controller. filter="SQL[TO_CHAR(DELIVERYDATE, '')=TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, '')]"
isdefault no Boolean value; if set to "true", this filter will be set automatically when entering the ListController. isdefault="true"
label no Label shown in the drop down menu. label="Todays tasks"


<FormFilter name="LasVegas" label="Only Las Vegas Project" filter="SQL[PROJECT_NAME='Las Vegas']"/>