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Form settings


The FormFile element enables up- and downloading one or multiple files. For example, you can attach images or a PDF to your record.


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
name yes Unique name of the form within the FormList (has to be written in UPPERCASE letters and must not contain any special characters). name="General"
authorization no Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element.
  • authorization="ROLE[ADMIN,EDITOR]"
  • authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN,WF_EDIT]"
editable no Boolean value which defines, if the FormFields within the tab are editable. Default is "true".
  • editable="false"
  • editable="SCRIPT[...]"
  • editable="SESSION[KeyExists({SESSION.SELECTION})]"
  • editable="SQL[SELECT ... FROM ...]"
  • editable="OBJECT[...]"
label no Label to show in the Form. label="Start date"
persisted no Boolean value which defines if the FormField should be stored to the data source or is only a temporary object for visualization. persisted="false"
required no Boolean value which defines if the FormField may contain NULL values or not.
  • required="true"
  • required="SESSION[...]"
saveinsession no Attribute to persist (after a submit) the actual FormField value in a session variable which can be referenced later (for example, from another Form). By defining saveinsession="true" it will be stored under "FORMNAME.FORMFIELDNAME" into the session. Alternative you can define your own name.
  • saveinsession="true"
  • saveinsession="MYCUSTOMNAME"
validation no The validation of user input. More information can be found here. Examples can be found here.
visible no Defines the visibility of the field The result has to deliver true or false. More details can be found here. Examples can be found here.
uploaddir no Absolute path to the directory where the upload should be stored. If no uploaddir is defined, the uploaded file will be stored as binary into the column defined in attribute name. uploaddir="c:\UploadDirectory"
multiple no Boolean value defining if multiple files can be upload (default is false). multiple="true"
filenamefield no Persist the file name of the uploaded file in the specified column. filenamefield="FileName"
contenttypefield no Persist the content type of the uploaded file in the specified column. contenttypefield="ContentType"
useuniquename no If useuniquename is true, uploaded file will be prefixed with an unique id. useuniquename="true"
fileextention no Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions. fileextension="png,jpg,jpeg"


<!-- Definition of a simple file upload. File is uploaded in "C:\Temp\Upload" directory and the full file path is persisted in "FilePath" column. -->
<FormFile name="FilePath" datatype="file" uploaddir="C:\Temp\Upload" multiple="false" />

<!-- Definition of a simple binary file upload. File is only as binary persisted in "FileData" column. -->
<FormFile name="FileData" datatype="binary" multiple="false" />
<!-- Like the first example, but additional file name and content type are stored in the "FileName" and "ContentType" columns -->
<FormFile name="FilePath" datatype="file" uploaddir="C:\Temp\Upload" multiple="false" filenamefield="FileName" contenttypefield="ContentType" />
<!-- Like the second example, but additional file name and content type are stored in the "FileName" and "ContentType" columns -->
<FormFile name="FileData" datatype="binary" multiple="false" filenamefield="FileName" contenttypefield="ContentType" />