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Form settings


The FormAction element is used for the integration of buttons inside a Form or FormTable. Parameters for the action can be defined by using the Param child.

Example of FromAction in a FormTable to delete or edit an entry.


Attribute Mandatory Description Example
name yes Unique name of the form within the FormList (has to be written in UPPERCASE letters and must not contain any special characters). name="General"
action no The definition of what should be done when the button is clicked.
  • Predefined actions:
    • Form/Save (save)
    • Form/Delete (delete)
    • Form/Index (Form)
    • List/Index (List)
    • List/Select
    • Workflow/Index
  • Standard JavaScript actions:
    • SCRIPT[IG.trigger({...})]
    • SCRIPT[IG.openModalForm({...})]
  • Custom JavaScript
Examples can be found here.
authorization no Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element.
  • authorization="ROLE[ADMIN,EDITOR]"
  • authorization="CLAIM[WF_ADMIN,WF_EDIT]"
editable no Boolean value which defines, if the FormFields within the tab are editable. Default is "true".
  • editable="false"
  • editable="SCRIPT[...]"
  • editable="SESSION[KeyExists({SESSION.SELECTION})]"
  • editable="SQL[SELECT ... FROM ...]"
  • editable="OBJECT[...]"
help no Help text describing the purpose / use of this field. help="Deletes the record from the list ..."
image no Defines an image for the FormAction. image="icon-add.png"
label no Label to show in the Form. label="Start date"
submit no Submit-Parameter for the FormAction; if not set explicitly, the defaultvalue is submit="false", which references a HTTP-GET Request. If submit="true", the HTTP-POST Request is used. submit="true"
type no Defines the display-type of the FormAction. Available options:
  • field
  • form
  • row
visible no Defines where the FormAction-element will be visible. Possible values:
  • visible="list" - the button will be visible in the list-page (preceding the form-page)
  • visible="list" type="row" - an edit button will be visible in each row of the list-page (preceding the form-page)
  • visible="form"
  • visible="hidden"


<!-- Add a button to each FormTable frow to delete it from the list -->
<FormAction name="DeleteProject" label="DeleteProject" action="Form/Delete" visible="list" type="row" image="ig-icon-delete"/>

<!-- Redirect the workflow to a dedicated workflow node by using a JavaScript -->
<FormAction name="REDIRECT" label="Neue Aktion" action="SCRIPT[IG.navigate(10)" visible="list" />

<!-- Redirect the workflow to a dedicated workflow node by using a FormAction parameter -->
<FormAction name="REDIRECTPARAM" label="Neuer Parameter" action="Form/Index" visible="form">
	<Param name="nodeid" value="4041" />


A Param represents a key value pair to pass parameters to a FormAction.

Attribute Mandatory Description
name yes name of the parameter
value yes value of the parameter
<param name="myKey" value="myValue">