The FormAction element is used for the integration of buttons inside a Form or FormTable. Parameters for the action can be defined by using the Param child.

Attribute | Mandatory | Description | Example |
name | yes | Unique name of the form within the FormList (has to be written in UPPERCASE letters and must not contain any special characters). | name="General" |
action | no |
The definition of what should be done when the button is clicked.
Examples can be found here. |
authorization | no | Only users with the appropriate Role/Claim are authorized to view/process the element. |
editable | no | Boolean value which defines, if the FormFields within the tab are editable. Default is "true". |
help | no | Help text describing the purpose / use of this field. | help="Deletes the record from the list ..." |
image | no | Defines an image for the FormAction. | image="icon-add.png" |
label | no | Label to show in the Form. | label="Start date" |
submit | no | Submit-Parameter for the FormAction; if not set explicitly, the defaultvalue is submit="false", which references a HTTP-GET Request. If submit="true", the HTTP-POST Request is used. | submit="true"
type | no |
Defines the display-type of the FormAction. Available options:
type="row" |
visible | no |
Defines where the FormAction-element will be visible. Possible values:
visible="form" |
<!-- Add a button to each FormTable frow to delete it from the list -->
<FormAction name="DeleteProject" label="DeleteProject" action="Form/Delete" visible="list" type="row" image="ig-icon-delete"/>
<!-- Redirect the workflow to a dedicated workflow node by using a JavaScript -->
<FormAction name="REDIRECT" label="Neue Aktion" action="SCRIPT[IG.navigate(10)" visible="list" />
<!-- Redirect the workflow to a dedicated workflow node by using a FormAction parameter -->
<FormAction name="REDIRECTPARAM" label="Neuer Parameter" action="Form/Index" visible="form">
<Param name="nodeid" value="4041" />
A Param represents a key value pair to pass parameters to a FormAction.
Attribute | Mandatory | Description |
name | yes | name of the parameter |
value | yes | value of the parameter |
<param name="myKey" value="myValue">