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Getting Started (MAE)

Lesson 1 (optional): Installing Luciad Fusion for MAE

This article gives you some information about the installation of Luciad Fusion, which is integrated since the release of M.App Enterprise 2019.
We strongly recommend to install Luciad Fusion on a seperate server.
For the storage of the metadata you will need to create an empty database before installing Luciad Fusion. The database providers are the same as they are in M.App Enterprise (Oracle, SQLServer and PostgreSQL).
A Warehouse user must be created before installing Luciad Fusion. It is the same procedure as it is for M.App Enterprise. If there is a shared Warehouse between Luciad Fusion and MAE, please ensure that this Warehouse user is allowed to write to this folder.

Step 1: Defining a server port


Because you have to use Luciad Fusion with a valid SSL certificate you have to put in 443 as a Server Port.

Step 2: Defining the connection to the M.App Enterprise server


Because the Public Server Name and the Server Name respectively IP Adress can be different at your configuration.

As the Warehouse Location we strongly recommend the same as you had for M.App Enterprise. With that you will get a _fusion folder in your MAE Warehouse.

Step 3: Warehouse User

The Warehouse user must be same on the M.App Enterprise application server and the Luciad Fusion Server, if the Warehouse of Luciad Fusion is in the MAE Warehouse (= what we strongly recommend)

Step 4: Database connections for metadata tables

Three database providers are available for Luciad Fusion. Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer and PostgreSQL.

Please don't combine any M.App Enterprise DB (Master or Tenant) with the Luciad Fusion database.

If you want to use SQLServer as your Luciad Fusion database, you have to create a new user there.
# Example SQL Server SQL for creating a database named luciad and user luciad: 

## Create database 

## Create user 
USE [master] 
ALTER SERVER ROLE [dbcreator] ADD MEMBER [luciad] USE [luciad] 
CREATE USER [luciad] FOR LOGIN [luciad] 
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER [luciad]

Configuration of a valid SSL certificate on the Fusion Server:

You have to copy the following code snippet into application-fusion.production.yml (there is a section called server. already in there):

# SSL (https) can be enabled by setting the following properties: 
# The path to the keystore containing the certificate: 
# server.ssl.key-store: classpath:keystore.p12 
# The password used to generate the certificate: 
# server.ssl.key-store-password:  
# The format used for the keystore. 

It could be set to JKS in case it is a JKS file; set to # PKCS12 if it is a .p12 file: 
# server.ssl.keyStoreType:  

# The alias mapped to the certificate: 
# server.ssl.keyAlias: 

Fusion & MAE on the same server

We can not outline it often enough. THIS IS NOT THE WAY IT IS MEANT TO BE, but here are some tips / checks if there is no other way than installing Luciad Fusion on the same server than MAE.
Don't be suprised if the performance drops if you are using Luciad Fusion & MAE on the same server.
  1. Fusion Studio must run on another port than MAE (e.g. 444 for https:// or 81 or 8081 for http://)
  2. Define the correct URL in the MAE installation process (http(s)://SERVERNAME:PORT)
  3. Fusion is basically up and running (e.g. check if a logs folder and the log file gets created in INSTALLDIR\logs\fusion.log or check if the Luciad Fusion DB gets created)
  4. If you change the URL of the Fusion Server after installing MAE, please restart the M.App service
  5. If you are using the self-signed certificate of MAE, you have to change in application-fusion.production.yml the authServiceUrl from https://servernamen/api/v1/oauth2 to http://localhost/api/v1/oauth2

Fusion already installed and want to be used in MAE

At your own risk, you can try inserting the following snippet
  1. Backup application-fusion-production.yml file
  2. Put in the following code snippet:
- mappent  
authServiceUrl: http://MAE_SERVERNAME/api/v1/oauth2      
clientId: Studio 


Debugging the "Can't get floating LuciadFusion license for this module error

Typical error in the fusion.log

Can't get floating LuciadFusion license for this module, sorry (core). 
Using license server, securityPort 42000 
This could mean * the license server is not running on the machine with IP 
Make sure to start the licenseserver executable on the computer with IP * a firewall on the network prevents UDP traffic on port 42000. Contact your network administrator to allow UDP traffic on port 42000


LuciadFusion service requires a floating license which is checked out from a license server set up by M.App Service.First things to check:

  • Is M.App Service running on the M.App Enterprise server?
    • Check the service/port availability by running netstat -ano | findstr :42000
    • If the port 42000 is missing, make sure that the LuciadFusion server URL is configured for M.App Enterprise
  • Is there defined Inbound Rule for port 42000 in the Windows Firewall? Make sure the rule is applied to appropriate network profile.

Testing the UDP port from LuciadFusion server

To figure out if the LuciadFusion can read the floating license, you will need to use some tool which will check if the UDP port 42000 is opened and accepting messages. One example is free tool called Nmap .

How to check UPD ports using Nmap

  1. Download Nmap tool to the LF server:
    • Enough to use just the nmap-7.93-setup.exe installer
  2. Install the software and then run Zenmap GUI from the start menu or desktop
    • Configure it like this:
      • Target: the MAE server IP used in the XML as lcd.license.server
      • Command: nmap -sU -p U:41999-42001 -T4 -A -v MAE_SERVER_IP_ADRESS
        this will scan UDP ports 41999-42001 to show the difference between active and closed ones

Testing of UDP protocol takes some time, but once it finishes, you should see results similar to this:

Nmap sample

If everything works fine, the port 42000 should be listed green.

Otherwise, you will need to double check your network setup and make sure the UDP protocol communication can pass through between the MAE and LF servers.