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Getting Started (MAE)

Lesson 9: Creating a Browser App

This tutorial will lead you through the steps applicable in Studio to create a Browser App.

Map Views

The heart of configuring a browser application is the Map View. In there the Studio Administrator has to define how the application should look like and what should be available to the Apps user.

You can create a new one by clicking Browser → Map Views → New.

On the right side you will find plenty options for the browser application. Obvious and self-explaining fields don't get mentioned here. You can click on the arrow to get more information about the elements

Enable preview

This allows you to get a live preview of your configuration
Performance of the map preview is directly influenced by your configuration and could lead to stuttering interactivity


You can define the EPSG code of your browser application. As soon as you start writing you get a list of all available coordinate systems based on your input
(Only available with M.App Enterprise PRO) If you slide the 3D option automatically EPSG:4978 is taken and you can't overwrite the EPSG field any longer.


You have to assign one legend in order to be able to safe the Map View. How you can create a legend can be found here
If you click ↓ left of the name of the legend you will get the layer tree with limited functionality. You can set the layer to visible / invisible (to increase performance) or fit to a certain layer of the legend.


You can assign one or more StyleSets to your browser application. For example you let the Apps user switch between a light or a dark theme in your browser application.
The Style Set with ★ and green background is your default by the start of the browser application

Action Sets

Necessary if you want to add Workflows to your browser application. Detailed information about Action Sets can be found here.


If you have Preview enabled it is possible to automatically generate them from the map.

Viewer Options

Studio Administrator defines which viewer functions for the App user should be available.

Menu Options

Should the entire menu of the browser application open up on the left or right side and how big should the menu appear on the browser application (see following screenshot)
Auto height (left side) changes depending on the layer functionality the Studio Administrator gave the Apps user.


On top change of visualization of your browser application. Click on the ↓ to open up the options of this specific effect. With 🔒 you can avoid that the Apps user can change the options of the effect in the application. To see all the different Effects in action please have a look at this post here [LINK]
Most of the Effects only make sense on 3D maps.
A final configuration could look like this
Map Views are the base of Browser Apps as well as Dashboard Apps.

Basic configuration

After successfully creating a Map View you have to create the Application itself and assign it.

For that you have to go to Browser → M.Apps → New and give it a name, define if it should be a Public application and limit it furthermore with Claims.

Details how to create and use claims can be found here

Basic "limitations" for the Browser Applications

If you go back to the list of the Browser Application you see on the right side four icons:


This allows you to duplicate the application with the entire configuration on the same tenant.

App Engine

Opens the M.App Enterprise App Engine and you can configure the content of your browser application


You can edit the name of the browser application


You can delete your browser application and all the content / configuration which was done in the App Engine

App Engine

To use the App Engine just drag and drop elements from the top left to the "main" window

The last step in order to provide your browser application to the end-user is the content of the browser application itself. In the M.App Enterprise App Engine you can define the Application Type of the browser application.

Map View

"Simple" browser application with visualizing the Map View from before


If you want to create a browser application focused on Business Intelligence use that kind of type. Detailed information about how to create a dashboard application can be found here [LINK]


If you want to use Spatial models within your browser application you have to use that kind of type

Custom Panel

If you want to use your own custom script or custom style e.g. showing a header in your browser application with your logo and such things, please use that one


If you want to open up the Workflow at a specific place, drag and drop that kind into your main window

Detailed information about all the available Code snippets can be found here