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Importing attribute data in Dashboard

POSTED: | UPDATED: | by Marina Lanxinger

In this tutorial you will learn how you can include attribute data in your Dashboard and use them properly.
What are attribute data? Attribute data are attribute-only datasets that have no geometry feature information and may be used for statistical representations in Dashboard, such as graphs, charts or tables. 

Adding attribute data in Studio

Content -> Attribute data -> New

To incorporate attribute data from your database in M.App Enterprise Studio, begin by accessing the content menu. Then, select the Attribute Data option and click on New to proceed with adding a new dataset.

Select an existing Connection or create a new one, then choose the dataset you want to use.

Incorporating attribute data in Dashboard

Dataset Configuration -> M.App Enterprise -> Attribute Date

To utilize an attribute dataset added in a Dashboard, you must first import these datasets. In the bottom menu bar, navigate to Dataset Configuration, then click on the icon resembling a database with a plus sign.

This action will direct you to the form displayed below.

Click on M.App Enterprise and Mode: Attribute Data for importing attribute data. Choose one of the datasets you have added in M.App Studio, name it and click on Connect.

A Websocket Url can be used for live data to ensure their regular update. The update interval can be chosen as well.

Voila! Your table and its attributes will be displayed in the dataset configuration and your dataset can be used accordingly in Dashboard.

The imported attribute data will now be selectable in any widget's dataset setting.