In this tutorial an option to edit row entries will be added. For this we need a [EditPotholeNode] that is a child of [PotholesListNode] and has the FollowNode[PotholesListNode]. We will also need a separate form for editing, in this case EditPotholeForm.
For the edit form we have to set
ID Field
For easier identification the default names of TabPage and Group were also changed.
To edit a pothole, we need three Textfields that can be added by Drag & Drop.
id (that can be hidden but must be present because it is the ID Field for this form)
Unchecking the Visibility box of an itme sets it to false, this means it can not be used for client operations. In order to reference the field it needs to be set to hidden by editing the Visibility field and setting the the Static Value to hidden.
Now an Action for saving should be added. This is also done by Drag & Drop. This Action needs a Name and an Action, for this example we will use the following JavaScript command.
The finished Action properties should look like this:
After saving the workflow, it can be used in the application. To see the EditPotholeNode, you have to click on the list row you want to edit. Use the Save button to save your changes.