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Workflows (Intermediate)

Add filters to a list

POSTED: | UPDATED: | by Stefan Schüttenkopf

This tutorial will explain how to filter items in the workflow list

Filterable properties

One way to add filters to a list is to make one or more attributes filterable. This can be achieved by checking the Filterable property as shown on the address attribute below.
The list now provides a field to search for addresses and will return all exact matches to the search term.
You can customize the Filter by clicking on the following edit button:
Once the window opens you can choose from a variety of filter options in the Filter Tab:

Predefined filters

Sometimes a list may need a filter for the data. In the previous example we created a list of potholes that has some empty addresses in it:
We can use a predefined filter to remove these empty rows. For this filter we need to edit the [PotholesListNode].
In the Filterconfiguration area we can now add a new filter.
We want to add a filter to remove empty addresses, for this we fill out the following properties:
  • Name: empty_address
  • Label: Filter empty addresses
  • Filter: incident_address is not null
  After adding this filter, the Filterconfiguration looks like this:
The predefined filter can either be chosen as default or it can be applied on the list. For the first option, the predefined filter can be set as default by clicking on it in the Listconfiguration list. After choosing the filter it will be highlighted like this:
For the second option we have to apply the filter by clicking the Filter button, choosing the created filter and clicking the Apply Filter button.

After this, we do not see the empty addresses anymore.