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Meshfactory - OBJ to B3DM

POSTED: | UPDATED: | by Marina Lanxinger

Meshfactory is a 3D Tiles Processing Engine from Luciad Fusion that allows you to tile and multi-level datasets of meshes into a 3D Tiles tileset optimized for streaming. This tutorial will guide you through the process.

The engine is used from the command line which requires to be opened as administrator. At first you have to navigate to the directory of the meshup script "meshup.bat".


In order to run the engine, both input and output directories must be specified, as well as the directory of an additional projection file. The latter is indispensable for the usage in M.App Enterprise, although the conversion would work without it. So, the whole command would like like this:

INSTALLDIR\tools>meshup.bat -i=D:\obj -o=D:\3DTiles -q=1 -r=D:\obj\epsg.prj

-i - Input directory
-o - Output directory

Optional parameters:
-q - Texture quality (use 1 for PNG encoding)
-r - reference file (only necessary when the EPSG code of your Mesh is not known)

In addition, there are a number of arguments that can be adjusted or left with the default settings. A very useful one is the Draco compression argument, which downsizes the output size of meshes. By default, this argument is set to "no compression". In case you want to make use of it, just add the following to your command line:

INSTALLDIR\tools>meshup.bat -i=D:\obj -o=D:\3DTiles -q 1.0 -r=D:\obj\epsg.prj -m=DRACO

Further arguments and detailed information on the engine and its parameters can be accessed in the Luciad Fusion documentation:

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