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My Geoservices in M.App Enterprise

My Geoservices allows you to create services based on your vector layers in M.App Enterprise.

Content → MyGeoservices → New

To create a new MyGeoservices go to Content in M.App Enterprise Studio, click on MyGeoservices and set up a new service. A list with all available vector datasets will be displayed, from which you can drag and drop one ore more layers into your geoservice. Take care of the hierarchy of the datasets, which is top down. Name it, indicate an EPSG code and additionally add one or more stylesets for your layers.

An API key may be used to secure your geoservice. They can control the access to your hosted WMS, WMTS or WFS services.

API keys can be generated in M.App Enterprise Studio at Security → API Keys. You can name them to your liking and are then available for securing your GeoServices.
Furthermore, you can create a tooltip for your geoservice. Just open a curly bracket, write ENTITY. and the desired column name. {ENTITY.ColumnName} For more detailed information on tooltips have a look at our tooltips tutorial.
How to create beautiful tooltips in M.App Enterprise
In this tutorial you will learn to create a more complex tooltip including icons and database values. Introduction We all love beautiful user interfaces and with that today we want to highlight how you can easily setup a tooltip to present a lot of information in a visually compelling way.

WMS Settings

  • Single Layer: Creates a single map layer oposed to a multiple layerd WMS

WMTS Settings

  • Format: can either be image/png or image/jpeg
  • On Demand: Indicates whether your data will be rendered on demand or pre-rendered.
  • Scale & Depth: Scale determines the scale on which the request is based. By clicking on refresh, the depth will be shown that results from the scale which is basically the zoom levels.


  • Maximum Feature Count: It indicates the maximum number of features that can be returned in a single request.
Since the maximum feature count is set to 5000 by default, both a WMS and WFS are always created, while for the WMTS you have to set its parameters.

When you click on Save you will be directed to you list of MyGeoservices including the one you have just created.

These four icons are placed in each row. Depending on whether you have created a WMTS service too, the first one will be missing.

  • Publish WMTS: You have to publish your WMTS in order to use it. Click on the WMTSIcon and the processing will be started. To follow the processing progress go to: Content → Cache → Orders
  • Show Endpoint URLs: You will receive the link for each service type.
  • Edit: You can edit your created service.
  • Delete You can delete the service.