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Different Geoservices in M.App Enterprise

WMS, WMTS, WFS, HERE Maps, Google Maps, ECWP and TMS
This tutorial offers assistance in integrating different Geoservices in your M.App Enterprise application.


Content → Geoservices → New → WMS/WMTS/WFS

Web Map Services (WMS), Web Map Tile Services (WMTS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) are added in the same way. Within the Content menu of Studio, click on Geoservices and New and select the desired service type.

  1. Copy your URL in the input mask, name it and click on refresh.
    1. In case your service needs to be authorized, tick the box and indicate your credentials, before refreshing the input mask.
    2. You can also add a Geoservice established from MyGeoservice or Fusion Geoservices. When you click on the text, you'll be automatically redirected to a list of available layers that you can choose from.
  2. You will have dropdown options now for the required fields to choose from.
    Layers: Choose one or more of the suggested layers from the Select Layers list. It allows you to combine layers of one service source in your application and avoids adding each layer separately.
  • Format: Dependent on your service there are different formats available, which can be:
    • image/png
    • image/jpeg
    • image/gif
    • Our recommendation is the png format due to lossless data compression.
  • CRS: Which EPSG code(coordinate system) should be used for the published service
  • Minimum/Maximum scale: Here you can set a minimum and/or maximum scale in which range the service will be visible on the map.
  • GetFeatureInfo Format: GetFeatureInfo enables to display attributes of the feature for each pixel. Here you can select in which format the information will be shown.


HERE maps service can serve you as a basemap layer in your M.App Enterprise application. In order to use it, you will need to get an API key first, which can be gathered from:

Content → Geoservices → New → HERE Maps

The other fields like type and layer offer different options concerning the layout of the map service, which can be chosen at your own discretion.

Types Layer Options
Base Normal Day, Normal Day Grey, Normal Day Transit, Normal Day Custom, Reduced Day, Pedestrian Day, Car Navigation Day Grey, Normal Night, Normal Night Grey, Reduced Night, Pedestrian Night
Aerial Satellite Day, Terrain Day Hybrid Day, Hybrid Grey Day
Traffic Normal Traffic Day, Normal Traffic Night

Based on the choice of the type you can select the tile type accordingly, which gives a number of options again. The different options target the geometries that are then included in the service. For example, street lines returns an image that contains only street lines and labels.

Map tiles versus street line tiles

On top of that, you can choose up to two languages for the labels in your HERE map service.

If you don't want to define a specific language you have two possibilities:

  • User language: Language of the labels is based on the language the App user / Studio Administrator has set for the application(s)
  • Multiple language: Display the labels of HERE Maps in the foreign language of the country.

Google Maps

since 16.10

Starting from version 16.10, you can seamlessly integrate Google Maps into your applications as a Geoservice. Simply obtain an API key directly from the Google Maps platform to enable this functionality. Name the service, choose a Type and Language and click on Save.

Content → Geoservices → New → Google Maps


Tile Map Services (TMS) is a service focused on web maps, such as Open Street Map (OSM). Only a URL and Name are mandatory to make use of tiled web maps in M.App Enterprise. Additionally, subdomains may be added to it. It will be further explained in the example below.

Open Street Map

For the xyz tiles of OSM you need to use the following URL: https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png

  • {s} refers to one of the subdomains of the service
  • {z} concerns the zoom level
  • {x,y} are placeholders for the tile coordinates

For there are three servers in use which create three subdomains:

  • a.tile
  • b.tile
  • c.tile
The subdomains help to make the TMS service faster for browser applications as the tiles are requested from more than one subdomain.


Enhanced Compression Wavelet Protocol (ECWP) is a streaming protocol for large raster images. The service supports both ECW data and JPEG2000 data.

Just indicate a name and the service URL.

The URL should look like the following:

You can directly get a service endpoint from your LuciadFusion Server when clicking on Fusion GeoService.

Enable/disable the service in Luciad Fusion

By default, the ECWP service is enabled, but it might be wise to disable it and only enable it when needed. When disabled, the ECWP service endpoint is not available and you cannot create a service of such. Here are the steps to enable/disable:

Open the configuration file config/fusion.common.yml and have a look at the section fusion.ecwp where you need to set the enabled property to eithertrueor false.

Restart LuciadFusion for the change to take effect.