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Mobile Changelog

16.8.238 2024-05-23 Beta

  • Improve claim support in groups and tab groups
  • Fix using DeleteShellAction in feature info
  • Add optional callback to Message script function
  • Fix rotated markers if map is rotated
  • Fix triggering change script multiple times for single select option group

16.8.236 2024-04-18 Public

  • Improve refreshing of GPS position
  • Support multiple background layers in SwitchBackgroundAction
  • Fix multiple row action execution
  • Support SharedScript in SelectionScript
  • Add MaximumSourceZoomLevel to UrlTileOverlay

16.8.233 2024-02-16 Beta

  • Fix MultiPolygon support in SyncRevisionEntities
  • Handle active area in SyncEntity
  • Improve vector data loading on Windows

16.8.232 2024-01-23 Public

  • Fix OptionsGroups issue with multiple fields
  • Fix camera permission issues on Android 13 and 14

16.8.231 2024-01-11 Beta

  • Add CaptureFirst to GeometryShellAction to allow instant capturing by selecting a point
  • Add TapScript to NativeMap and GetMapTapLocation script function
  • Add SetLayerActive and IsLayerActive script function
  • Add support for @{System.ActiveAreaId} in offline filters
  • Add support for escaping "-" in a KeyValueList picker with a backslash
  • Fix numeric keyboard issues on some devices

16.8.230 2023-11-17 Public

  • Fix merging of filter parameters with session values
  • Handle all configuration changes on Android to prevent restart of app

16.8.229 2023-10-19 Public

  • Fix accessing initially filtered actions in script

16.8.228 2023-10-13 Public

  • Fix duplicate filter parameter issue if system values are used

16.8.227 2023-10-06 Public

  • Fix multiline labels on iOS

16.8.226 2023-09-29 Beta

  • Fix error if table is refreshed in LoadedScript
  • Do not override missing fields with null in UpdateEntity script function
  • Fix GPS Tracking on Android
  • Add support for session placeholders in entity filters
  • Fix ExecuteAction script function with actions which navigates
  • Fix field help
  • Support single select with field options in OptionsGroup

16.8.225 2023-08-29 Public

  • Change default master detail behavior on tablets with Android

16.8.224 2023-08-18 Beta

  • Update Android target framework to 13.0

16.8.223 2023-07-28 Beta

  • Fix shared scripts in a ScriptRowAction in a table
  • Improve error handling in HttpRequest script function
  • Fix QR code scanning on Windows
  • Preselect area if only one is assigned and it is required
  • Add ExecuteAction script function
  • Add FollowUser and AutoRotate to NativeMap configuration
  • Fix selection of Marker after capturing on iOS

16.8.222 2023-05-22 Public

  • Improve handling of invalid tiles on Windows
  • Improve memory usage of image field actions
  • Add SaveToAlbum to TakeImageFieldAction
  • Improve image quality of resized images on Android
  • Fix visibility of toolbar buttons in portrait mode on Windows

16.8.221 2023-03-08 Beta

  • Fix restart of app if switching to multi window mode on Android
  • Support basic authentication for tile urls
  • Support trusted certificates from user store on Android

16.8.220 2023-01-13 Public

  • Add IsConnected script function
  • Improve MultiListCell rendering

16.8.219 2023-01-09 Beta

  • Fix default value of MinimumUpdateTime and MinimumUpdateDistance

16.8.218 2022-12-22 Beta

  • Add @{System.ActiveAreaId} placeholder
  • Add MinimumUpdateTime and MinimumUpdateDistance to NativeMap
  • Add rotation to MarkerVectorLayer

16.8.217 2022-11-22 Public

  • Add claim support to layer
  • Fix clearing a picker set from script
  • Fix resolving of table placeholders
  • Support script navigation in DeleteShellAction

16.8.216 2022-11-08 Beta

  • NFC support
  • Add EntityField to Table to specify foreign relation unambiguously
  • Add GetMapRotation script function
  • Add LabelColor to MarkerVectorLayer

16.8.215 2022-10-14 Beta

  • Add Signature field
  • Add SetItems script function to dynamically set Picker and Table items
  • Support for multiple foreign fields from the same entity
  • Add GetEntitiesByLocation script function
  • Add GetMapBounds script function
  • Add GetDeviceCulture and GetLanguageName script function
  • Add @{System.DeviceCulture} and @{System.LanguageName} placeholder
  • Disable wipe if device is offline
  • Order server list by name

16.8.214 2022-09-26 Public

  • Update localizations
  • Localization bug fixes

16.7.213 2022-09-20 Beta

  • Handle Content-Type header in httpRequest script action
  • Support shared scripts in before and after scripts
  • Persist selected boolean filters
  • Fix OptionsGroup localization with fields
  • Support localization of fields in tabs

16.7.212 2022-09-01 Public

  • Fix AutoComplete with multiple ForeignEntity relations
  • Support OptionsGroup localization with fields

16.7.211 2022-08-25 Beta

  • Support scanning inverted server info QR code
  • Improve tile overlay zoom levels on iOS
  • Add AutoRotateMapAction
  • Fix navigating back with multiple levels

16.7.209 2022-08-17 Beta

  • Support Parent. syntax for getValue/setValue in tables
  • Fix updateEntity in SaveShellAction AfterScript
  • Update dependencies

16.7.208 2022-07-01 Beta

  • Fix restarting app when device has been put into a dock
  • Fix switching between different geometry types when capturing a geometry
  • Improve check if form has changed for timestamp fields
  • Fix navigate to destination from an action

16.7.207 2022-06-14 Public

  • Fix navigation with multiple levels

16.7.206 2022-06-13 Public

  • Improve height of table cell with multiple lines
  • Improve sync order of changes after login

16.7.205 2022-05-30 Beta

  • Make layer view scrollable
  • Fix title of info if set via script on Android
  • Fix tab group layout issues on Android
  • Improve message if local data will be lost on wipe
  • Improve navigation with multiple levels

16.7.204 2022-05-02 Public

  • Improve FeatureInfo localization
  • Add GetValues and FormatString script function

16.7.203 2022-04-21 Beta

  • Improve localization support
  • Improve list sync with revision field

16.7.202 2022-04-07 Beta

  • Fix accessing elements in groups on Android with a StartupScript

16.7.201 2022-04-01 Beta

  • Add support for shared script in script actions
  • Improve SelectionBuffer on Windows

16.7.200 2022-03-15 Public

  • Fix reuse of rest client

16.7.199 2022-03-11 Public

  • Restore HTTP support
  • Fix max length validation

16.7.198 2022-03-10 Public

  • Don't override lazy loading fields with null
  • Use native handler for HTTP requests everywhere
  • Pass a user agent for tile requests

16.7.196 2022-02-15 Beta

  • Fix ImagePreview with Animate="True" on Android
  • Improve GPS track view
  • Improve GetEntityByLocation with multi polygons

16.7.195 2022-02-03 Beta

  • Improve refreshing of list/table after adding a new entity
  • Fix full text search crash on iOS

16.7.194 2022-01-14 Beta

  • Improve capturing on iOS

16.7.193 2022-01-14 Public

  • Snapping improvements
  • Fix an issue with cancel in a BeforeScript
  • Improve double tap prevention of actions

16.7.189 2021-12-09 Public

  • Improve MultiPolygon support

16.7.188 2021-12-06 Public

  • Improve WMS CRS matching
  • Fix geometry capturing

16.7.187 2021-12-01 Beta

  • Fix background synchronization regression

16.7.186 2021-11-25 Beta

  • Dependency upgrades

16.7.185 2021-11-12 Beta

  • Improve map layer refresh
  • Fix iOS issue when hiding line layers
  • Fix list selection issue after navigating back

16.7.184 2021-11-09 Beta

  • Add IsSnapable to VectorLayer
  • Add support for Startup- and LoadedScript to map

16.7.183 2021-11-02 Public

  • Fix invalid data error when editing a form

16.7.182 2021-10-11 Public

  • Support DefaultValue for Picker
  • Improve check if form has changed

16.7.181 2021-09-17 Beta

  • Prevent double execution of actions

16.7.180 2021-09-06 Public

  • Clear localization cache between different shells
  • Don't focus disabled entries
  • Improve SyncType="None" in bad network conditions
  • Add ExecuteTrigger script function

16.7.179 2021-07-26 Beta

  • Fix encoding issue in SQL statements
  • DateTimePicker improvements on Windows
  • Improve FilePicker display value when adding a new file
  • Enable 3D maps on iOS

16.7.178 2021-06-30 Public

  • Improve FilePicker display value
  • Don't execute after script if form is not valid

16.7.177 2021-06-18 Beta

  • Add optional altitudeFieldName to setGpsPosition
  • Support multiline labels on Android in native map
  • Fix focus issue on Windows when clicking on an empty area in the form

16.7.176 2021-06-14 Beta

  • Update french localization

16.7.175 2021-05-27 Beta

  • Add multi polygon support to map
  • Support multi polygons for areas
  • Add AllowSelection in VectorLayer
  • Persist map layer selection

16.7.174 2021-04-30 Public

  • Fix DateTime values with Sql
  • Fix empty date picker

16.7.172 2021-04-29 Public

  • Support sorting on foreign fields in list and table

16.7.171 2021-03-29 Beta

  • Improve picker handling
  • Support DateTime values with Sql
  • Dependency upgrades

16.7.170 2021-03-12 Public

  • Add ChangeStatus icon

16.6.169 2021-02-22 Beta

  • Add GetUserId to script context
  • Fix layout bug in group fields
  • Fix sync issue if an entity is deleted before syncing

16.6.168 2021-02-12 Beta

  • Add Estonian, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian localization
  • Dependency upgrades

16.6.167 2021-02-04 Beta

  • Improve Switch icon
  • Fix Picker with items from an entity
  • Improve nullable value support of OptionsGroup

16.6.166 2021-02-01 Beta

  • Fix TimePicker
  • Improve Picker refresh
  • Support refresh of field in table row action

16.6.165 2021-01-25 Beta

  • Add LabelSize to MarkerVectorLayer
  • Fix word wrap on Android
  • Improve handling of nullable boolean fields
  • Improve support for numeric revision fields

16.6.164 2020-11-30 Public

  • Fix wrapping of filters in filter area

16.6.162 2020-11-30 Public

  • Bug fixes

16.6.160 2020-10-15 Public

  • Add SelectionBuffer to LineVectorLayer

16.6.159 2020-10-14 Public

  • Improve NavigateMapShellAction

16.6.158 2020-10-12 Beta

  • Fix custom selection icon size

16.6.157 2020-10-11 Beta

  • Improve SVG rendering
  • Improve scan code script function

16.6.155 2020-10-01 Beta

  • Support system values on client side