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With this post you should get a clearer understanding what tenants are in regards of M.App Enterprise and how to make the most of them
To get a better understanding of tenants respectively Multi-Tenancy in M.App Enterprise let's have a look at the following simple example:

You are an IT specialist in a company that delivers data. You have been told that you will be providing your data through a new software, and you need to arrange the user rights for the several customers you have.
The following are the requirements:

  • Data provided to one customer cannot be seen or accessed by another customer
  • Each customer has their own administrator who should have all the rights regarding user management
  • The GIS Specialists in each company should be able to do data management, map and dashboard creation in addition to displaying them
  • Customers of these companies should not be able to modify the data, maps or the dashboards.

  • In terms of M.App Enterprise tenants are the solution of the above mentioned bullet points. These are completely seperated metadatabases stored in one of the following database providers:

    • PostgreSQL
    • Microsoft SQLServer
    • Oracle
    • SAP Hana
    Every combination of database providers for Master DB, Tenant DB, Data DB is possible
    As you can see in the screenshot for this example we are using two seperate customers, who are handled with one M.App Enterprise Application Server

    Master DB

    The Master Database is responsible for several things (Charge upload, CORS settings, ActiveDirectory,..) but in regards of Multi-tenancy it handles all the connections to the "Customer configuration databases", which are the tenants.
    A detailed post about the Master DB + the corresponding Management view of M.App Enterprise can be found here

    Tenant DB

    This metadatabase stores all the configuration (Connections to Data, M.Apps,...) per dedicated customer. A detailed post about the Tenant DB + the corresponding Studio view of M.App Enterprise can be found here.